XCOOP® / Rotterdam - Luxembourg / Architecture, Masterplanning, Design, Research and Development...
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xcoop® is more than architecture. - The world economical recession instigates strategies for re-thinking situations and confronting prevailing realities:

xcoop® is an alliance that conducts research and engages in advocacy in areas such as education, design, construction, social policy and strategy, economics and technology issues. Through its flexible and permeable approach, analysis of contemporary living it expresses various creative solutions within a wide range of professions.

xcoop® takes on professionals exhibiting strong skills in their particular area of expertise and involves them in a virtual brainstorm through an untiring network exchange.

xcoop® aims at transforming and improving our surroundings by involving the right mix of professionals to maximize quality and by applying the right ambition into every day life.

xcoop® values human initiative, promotes exchange and information, and strives into approving local resources and efficiency.




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